Bioblaze Briquette
A powerful flame without harming the environment
Bioblaze Briquette adalah pilihan sempurna untuk pengalaman memasak yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Kami menghadirkan briket berkualitas tinggi yang memastikan pembakaran yang bersih dan panas yang konsisten, cocok untuk segala jenis kebutuhan—mulai dari BBQ keluarga hingga keperluan industri.

Our product

Pillared Briquettes
Description: Long cylindrical in shape with varying diameters, usually around 5 - 10 cm.
Advantages: Easy to arrange in a cookware or grill, stable flame, and ideal for cooking with even heat.
Uses: Suitable for BBQ, space heaters, and industrial combustion.

Cube Briquettes
Description: Cube or square shape with flat sides, usually measuring 4 - 5 cm per side.
Advantages: Easy to stack and store, more even burning, suitable for longer-term use.
Uses: BBQ, household cooking, and shisha.

Hexagonal Briquettes
Description: Has a hexagonal shape with a hole in the middle.
Advantages: The hole in the middle helps better air circulation, resulting in faster and more efficient combustion.
Uses: Ideal for BBQ, commercial cooking, and outdoor use.